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To me there's nothing like the presence of God. There's nothing like His grace, there's nothing like His joy, and I can't believe there was a time in my life that I walked away from all of that. I decided to go down the route that many of us have chosen or are currently walking in right now, I don't know, but I pray and believe that God will be revealed to you in a new way as you read this. 

Anyway, how many of you have ever found yourself in a place of feeling lost, ashamed, and maybe even to the point like you feel there is no way God could ever take you back after what you've done. 


FLASHBACK to about FOUR years ago. YES FOUR years. That's where I was. I felt dirty, I felt ashamed, I felt so empty, so depressed, so hopeless. If you can think of any negative emotion, circumstance, or decision... I probably experienced it.

One night as I laid in bed I thought to myself... "Wow, God I don't even know you anymore. I can't believe I let myself get this far." And there I laid, crying with my hands lifted, I said something along these lines, "Jesus, I need you. I can't believe I've gone this far. Help me, I can't do this on my own anymore."

And to be honest I did that multiple times, and I even found myself in that place a few more times. Here's one thing I can tell you from my story, following Jesus is hard sometimes. Jesus isn't a genie and sometimes things don't happen the way we expect them to and things don't always change the way we want them too. I think so many people have bought into the lie that somehow things get easy when you start following Jesus. It doesn't, and maybe you're thinking, "Then Jenny, what's the point of me following Jesus if things don't change?" Friend, let me tell you a secret that I have learned and walked through. If the enemy can convince you that your circumstance is the problem, he can convince you that Jesus isn't trustworthy. 


...did you hear that? 

Look at that sentence one more time. 

My life has never been perfect. My life has never been super glamorous, and I've actually often felt like a weirdo and even insignificant. I can look around at the people in my life and think, "Man, I wish I had that. God why don't I have it like they do? Why don't you do that for me God?" And these thoughts swirled, and they do at times. I used to think, "Man if this person in my life stopped treating me this was, or if my parents just understood. Or if people would just stop making fun of me I could follow Jesus."   

YOU. Thats a big fat lie from the pit of hell. You don't have to wait on a circumstance to change, in order to find joy. There are some things I could share with you that would blow your mind, and you would say "no, that never happened to you..." Many people have complimented me on my faith and automatically assume I've just always had this magical way of having it all together. 


Here's why...

God is my strength. God will always be my strength. That is why no person, no words, no circumstances can change or define who I am. This was and still is one of my biggest life mottos and something that God instilled in my heart during my early stages of following Jesus and I declare that it will change the way you look at your life and circumstances. "You can't blame others for who you choose to be." Choose to let God be your strength. That is the only reason I have not fallen off the rocker yet with the rest of the world. Because God is my strength. He is my joy, He is my delight, He is my shield, He is my shelter. He is my Jesus, the rock on which I stand. Did you know with God there are no limitations to what you can do? God wants to use your brokenness, your story, your shame, your sin, YOUR BIGGEST SCREW UPS IN LIFE, to change the world and bring hope. 


GO CHANGE DA WORLD. I'm praying for you. God, I thank you for the person reading this, thank you for giving them the courage to read this entire story, God I am declaring that a world changer is reading this I am declaring that the person right here is filled with the Holy Spirit by the blood of Jesus Christ. I believe that they have been called and have been anointed by you in Jesus name.


If I can be of any help or encouragement, if you are in need of a prayer feel free to shoot me a message on my Instagram @jennyjenny_elle. I would love to share more of my story with you. 


YOU are chosen by God, that's why you're reading this at this very moment. Thank you for your time, and thank you for valuing my story enough to read it all. Also a huge shout out to Sanctuary 12:2 for this opportunity, it is an answer to prayer. So thankful I have been given the opportunity to show off what God can do through someone like me. So sinful. But anyway, have a good week :-) 



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