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Hello everyone! Some of you may know me as I am a local and from Sugarcreek, but for those of you who don't, my name is Jenna Walter and I'm here today to share with you my story of meeting Jesus Christ and accepting Him as the Lord of Salvation and the light of my life. I was born into a loving, Christian home who went to church every Sunday. I grew up going to VBS, church camps, and Sunday school, yet still, something was missing. I lived my whole life never loving myself. I hated what I saw in the mirror. I compared myself not only to my siblings who excelled in school and sports, but I compared myself to literally EVERYONE. Most times, nothing came naturally to me. It always seemed that I had to work 10 times as hard as everyone else. Socially, with my education, and in sports. I knew I was set apart from a young age, but I always looked at it in such a negative way. I hated that I was different. I have always had trouble because I am so empathetic and emotional, it is difficult for me to hide and control my emotions. As I got older entering into middle school and high school, it got even more difficult. The comparing. Jealousy. Friend issues. I felt like I had no friends most times. Meanwhile, I did not have a relationship with God through any of this. Which made going through things harder. When I entered into high school, things sort of started to click for me. I started to have friends. I was doing well in school and volleyball. But when sophomore year hit, BOOM. Everything changed when I found out my grandfather was diagnosed with a very rare form of blood cancer called MDS. My dad stepped up majorly, being at EVERY doctor appointment and EVERY overnight stay anywhere. The hardest part was, I felt understood by my papa. He had an ability that most didn't have--he made me feel special. Important. About a year after his diagnosis, we lost him in October of 2016. One of the most influential people in my life--when someone walked into a room, they could feel his love. Papa made everyone feel like they had known him their whole lives. When I lost him, I did not know how to cope. I cried. And cried. I didn't talk to people. But I prayed. For the first time in months. YEARS. I was praying. I asked God to heal my heart. Going into 2017, I knew I had to take steps. Steps for Jesus. I set goals and my number 1 goal was to go to church. To be involved in that community. To serve. And to love. I started to attend collective nights at New Pointe Church. IT FINALLY CLICKED FOR ME. After so many years of feeling unworthy. I FINALLY understood. My identity is found in the Lord of Creation. It's not found in the clothes I wear, my past, my failures. HE is a redeemer. He is a CHAIN BREAKER. So, I kept going to nights. I made life time friends. I was asked to join the worship team and I auditioned right away. Fast forward to now, I have been leading worship and playing my guitar at church for a whole year and 4 months. It has stretched me to such long lengths spiritually, and mentally. Now, I am in a season of pure joy. When I look in the mirror, I pray that people look at me and see God's love. I don't care about my appearance anymore. I don't hate myself. I love GOD, which leads to me loving myself. He pours love into me so fully, that I can't just keep it to myself anymore, I have to pour it into others. To close, I want you to know this. God wants you just as you are. It doesn't matter what you have done. God washes away your sin, if you just ask, I pray the verse Isaiah 12:2 over all of you who are reading this, "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD Himself, is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation." Remember this; be a difference maker. You are set apart and it is A BEAUTIFUL THING. Be the light that God wants you to be. I love all of you and I am here for anyone who needs anything. <3

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