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Hey, friends! Let me introduce myself real quick :) My name is Grace Mullet and I am originally from Berlin, Ohio. Recently, I graduated from Hiland High School, and currently I am a freshman at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. I love coffee, dogs, music, friendship, children, laughing, and worshiping. I'm also slightly unorganized, a bit of a procrastinator, and the most indecisive human. . . ever. But, I am extremely passionate about the people in my life, the God that I serve, and the things that I love. 


Something that I didn't mention in the introduction is that I love to be busy. Now, don't get me wrong. I am 100% an introvert and I love, love, love a little quality me time, but I get extremely restless. When I sit around for too long I freak out. Over the past year, I can count on one hand the amount of days that I stayed at home for an entire day. If I didn't have plans I would often drive around and listen to music for hours. Or I would go but a new book or project to devote my time to. See, in my mind, the longer that I sat around doing nothing, the more my life was wasting away right in front of my eyes. These type of thoughts has the potential to drive my literally crazy. 


During this past year, this type of lifestyle consumed me. I was constantly investing in people and things in order to occupy my mind. You see, I love personal relationships. To me, there is nothing better than spending quality time with another human being. Just some one-on-one or small group relationship building. Getting to know the soul of another person. Hearing the hearts of individuals and what God is doing for them. . . ugh, there is seriously nothing that warms my heart like these conversations. 


Going to college changed a lot of things for me. Moving out of state, I knew basically nobody and nobody knew me. This though was beyond exciting, yet simultaneously terrifying. I was presented with much more free time than I normally experienced. I had no car, no familiar things, no deep relationships. Basically, I felt like I was living in my own worst nightmare. However, what the enemy intends for evil, God uses for good. And, it was during this time of slight shock and isolation, that I was truly able to evaluate my relationship with God. I was able to reconnect with Him intimately. 


What I discovered was that, for the past year, I was so occupied and busy that I had lost the intimacy in my relationship with Christ. . . without realizing it. Hear me out. I still loved God during this time. I was attending church regularly, serving God across seas, and even doing things as simple as listening to worship music. I was working for God and for good, but my focus was solely on my work. I had lost my worship of God, and adoration for Him. I had allowed myself to become so intent on checking off lists, filling my schedule, and pouring into my other relationships (which can be good things), that I had forgotten to make God a priority and pour into Him. 


It wasn't until a sermon that I heard here at Liberty snapped me out of it, that I realized I had list my first love of Christ. I had allowed myself to see God as casual and stagnant. Two things that God clearly is not. I was still devoting time to Him, but I didn't love on Him. I didn't pour myself out to Him. I no longer sat in a pure awe and adoration of His nature. I was numb to the genuine kindness, the reckless love, the deep passion, and the righteous wrath of God. My identity as His bride and His beloved daughter was not lost. When I thought of God, I no longer thought of countless miracles, of life-changing power, of ultimate sacrifice. I no longer thought of the saving grace, of the endless mercy, perfect character of Christ. 


Instead, I allowed myself to become lost in the fact that I had known of God my entire life. I first dedicated my life to Christ over twelve years ago. I was treating God as just another routine, as a casual part of my life. My life no longer revolved around His heart. I lost the warmth that would grow in my stomach whenever I thought of His faithfulness, and everything He has brought me through. I forgot the excitement that would fill me when I could feel His presence all around me. I forgot the fire bliss of worshipping Him with everything inside of me. 


I admit all of this in order to encourage and challenge you. Folks, stop replacing your worship with your work (even if you are working for God). Stop finding excuses. Don't believe that lie that you are "too busy" for God. I did, and it hindered my relationship with Him in ways I never saw coming. God is THE priority. Treat Him as such. Worship keeps us connected to Christ. One of the reasons we were created was to worship. To give glory to and praise. Worship in its purest form keeps our wonder of God fresh and new inside of us. (Also, side note. Worship is not just singing. Worship is a choice of lifestyle. Worship is seeing God in the good and bad, and praising Him through it in all that we say, think, and do.) When you feel yourself falling into the trap of losing intimacy with Him over time, remind yourself of the moment you first believed. For some of us that was long ago, and for some it is fresh. But, more than that, remind yourself of where you have seen Him prove Himself worthy. Because He has, and He will continue to. Remember when God answered that prayer of yours. When He saved your friend. When he transformed your community and poured out comfort upon you. When He didn't deliver you from the storm, but walked through it right beside you. Remind yourself that He can do that all again and more. Now believe it,. Honor Him for it. Stand in awe of the fact that He loves you that much. Fo everything in your power to keep your fire burning girl, and He will pick up your slack and honor it. And though your worship begin to work and pursue new depths. Study your Bible, serve at your church, go on that missions trip. Worship and work go hand in hand, not exclusively. Keep your wonder of God in the front of your mind, and treasure it dearly. Fight to keep it. And, as you do this watch as God changed the world through you. 


Thank you all for taking the time to read about me and my life, and I hope you found some encouragement here. I LOVE YOU. All of you, so much! Please know that is you ever need a girl to talk to, someone to grab coffee with, or someone to pray for you, I would LOVE to be that girl. It would mean so much to do life with each and every one of you :) In the meantime, I'll be praying for you. Now, go be world changers, difference makers, Kingdom builders <3 All the love!!!



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