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Growing up I was surrounded by Christians. I felt like everyone around me had it all together and I was just kind of there. Going with the flow. I didn't know who I was, or who God wanted me to be. The school I went to; just like every other school had "clicks." I was in the "popular group." All because of the friends that I had. If you were friends with them it felt like you had to look and act a certain way. You couldn't like the people they didn't like. And I formed into the mold that they had made for me and everyone else. Why? Because I was too scared to be "kicked out" or rejected. Now looking back I kind of giggle at myself. I was so scared of not being liked that I wasn't even me! Trying to live up to everyone else's expectations was draining. It made me angry and furious at everything and everyone. Nothing was right and no one could fix it. And that's how it was for a few years. 


Eighth grade came and I was now in a group called the Collective at church. This helped me a lot. We had worship that was amazing and small groups and leaders who were out of this world. I went on mission trips and to church camps where I connected with people, God, and myself. I still struggled to know who I really was and who I was in God. I didn't know my self worth. I didn't know my purpose. But I knew what I believed. That summer I got baptized by a man named Joe. Right before he did I remember him telling me, "the second you come out from this water the devil will try harder than he has ever tried to get to you." After he said this I thought to myself, "oh I got this. I know what I'm doing." Silly silly me haha :) 


The next year is when the devil hit me hard. He got ahold of me and I didn't even know it. I was trying so hard to change someone but they ended up changing me. And not for the better. I made mistakes and I felt disgusting, and ashamed. I felt like I had let down everyone I love. I felt like God was upset and mad at me and wanted nothing to do with me. During that time we had a message at church about your self worth. And it changed my life. After that message I realized that I'm not just a human walking on this earth, I'm God's princess! I am loved MORE than I could ever know by Him. And I am saved by His grace and His love. I learned that there is nothing you could ever do or not do to have him love you more or less!! And I don't know about you but I think that is amazing! 


If there is one thing I could say to everyone of you beautiful girlies, it would be don't care about what others think of you. Don't be afraid to be your own person. Know how loved you are by our Lord and Savior! If you have questions don't be afraid to ask someone! They would love to talk to you!!! Know who you are in Christ and know how much you mean to Him so that nothing and no one could ever pull you away from what you believe. So go be you! Because no one can be a better you, than you! 


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